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  • Clester

    August 6, 2019 at 12:02 pm in reply to: Cup holders for walkers and wheelchairs

    Made an aluminum cup holder for my wife several years ago that mounts on the armrest of her wheelchair that will flip down out of the way when needed. Made it to fit the larger tervis cups. The smaller tervis cups stay in it ok too. It has a cut away the the handles fit into so they are easily accessible to her.

  • Clester

    April 5, 2019 at 6:04 pm in reply to: Misc. Boating/ fishing

    Camping in daniel boone national forest . picture of our bathroom/ changing room.

  • Clester

    March 26, 2019 at 6:20 pm in reply to: Wisdom for the next generation of FAers?

    I know a few fa’ers and I’ve talked with them . helped them. Gave one our old van that has a lift in it. But maybe its just me or maybe its more of an individuals choice i.e. parents. All of them are over 35 and one when he was younger his parents, at the advice of their dr, fused his spine . he gets along 10 times better than others at his age ( over 40) that I have met. I realize different peoples progression is going to be different . has anyone else come across this ?

  • Clester

    March 26, 2019 at 6:01 pm in reply to: In Case of Emergency, Don’t Have a Disability

    She loves it too.
    Question: does anyone think it would be worth while to start a topic of outdoors activities or if anyone would have any desire to go camping and the like ? I’d be more than willing to put my experience in to help anyone, since we have already addressed most problems anyone might encounter or be concerned with?

  • Clester

    March 25, 2019 at 7:46 pm in reply to: In Case of Emergency, Don’t Have a Disability

    The first time we spent a night at a hotel I couldn’t get to sleep thinking about just that . we were on the 3rd floor. Since then we have always made sure we get a ground floor room.
    On a similar but different note . we were camping in a campground in the smoky mountains there was a real peaceful and beautiful stream flowing by where we camped so went down to get a closer look. Wouldn’t you know it about 5 minutes after we got to the streams edge just a hundred yards upstream out of the trees walks a big black bear walking straight to us . luckily a ranger was nearby and chased it off . but ….what if?
    Things like that and what Frankie went through makes a person be far more aware of your surroundings and situations.
    Be prepared and think ahead .

  • Clester

    March 23, 2019 at 1:13 pm in reply to: Family support

    We are from ohio. But once we get going in our trailer Louisiana is one place we want to go. The boat unfortunately is one thing that I had to get rid of last fall.

  • Clester

    March 23, 2019 at 12:06 pm in reply to: Amazon Alexa or Google assist

    My wife’s friend , who also has fa uses alexa he uses for all his lights and even his thermostat. When I go over to help him occasionally it always impresses me how well he manages mostly by himself a lot of it is due to all the things he has his alexa doing. Wish we could afford one and all the stuff that goes with it .

  • Clester

    March 23, 2019 at 11:57 am in reply to: Reasons to Hang On

    After the Dr tried to kill my wife she lost virtually all of her mobility and her ability to speak. She still can talk but she usually has to repeat herself , even to me. Talking on the phone just won’t happen.
    But after that for her and for me it has been just each other holding things together. I try to do as much as I can to get her to go places to see new things as often as I can. We had a real real nice set of aquariums that she loved to sit and watch the fish. But thanks to her ” wonderful” family, her daughter is trying to kill off her fish and letting the aquariums get ruined. But we as best we can ( you couldn’t possibly imagine how hard it is for either of us) we are holding on to each other and are trying to get money to get away in our trailer so we can travel so we can experience things together , even though we both know that is going to be hard also. We ordered a box trailer to be made ( a little different than most), since they don’t make wheel chair accessible campers and the ” toy haulers” sit way too high off the ground. We will turn the box trailer into a camper together slowly as we go. And basically as much as we can live on the road in the trailer. Dr appointments and prescriptions will be the hard part to deal with.
    But as long as we have each other and most importantly she has someone who actually cares about her I think we will get along just fine and enjoy things together.
    Note: I’ve done a lot of camping( tents and trailers) in my life so its not like we are going into this blind. And we have “tent” camped together before several times. And we have lived together recently in our van so living in a trailer is a major improvement. We would still be living in the van but with my hernia , bad back, and recent mild stroke I just can’t continue lifting her for the toilet or bed. So the trailer will allow us to use the hoyer. Which is another reason why the box trailer. No camper made has room to operate a Hoyer.
    Like I said it is us that holds each other together enough to keep on going.

  • Clester

    March 23, 2019 at 11:18 am in reply to: Misc. Boating/ fishing

    Good. Thank you Frankie .
    The top picture of the fishing pole- the white box on the left is the switch which lays in her lap. Used to have a small tube like switch she held in her hand and pushed the button with her thumb ( until the Dr tried to kill her)
    The bottom left picture is the mount for the hoyer- its not in the picture but toward the bottom of the picture there is an arm that comes out with an adjustable wheel that goes up and down . the wheel goes down on the dock to keep the boat from moving( rocking ).
    Bottom right picture is the pole holder on her chair- the white tube is the part her pole goes in and it hinges up and down .

  • Clester

    March 20, 2019 at 5:44 pm in reply to: Misc. Boating/ fishing
  • Clester

    March 20, 2019 at 3:47 pm in reply to: Family support

    My wife’s family is beyond sick.
    Her dad lives less than 2 miles away and is lucky if he visits for no more than 10 minutes twice a year . her mom lives an hour and a half away and is lucky if she visits once a year. Her sister lives by her mom and hasn’t visited in over 3 years. Now her one daughter is literally trying to kill her through neglect. I was forced to leave because I confronted her about it and since she owned the house. I try as much as I can to get her away from there as much as I can but that is hard since I have lost everything I had trying to be there for her. I told her parents what her daughter was doing and they just don’t care at all.
    For an example .. Her daughter invited to live there a drug dealer . the house smells like pot every day. She only gets about half her meds. She only gets to the bathroom once a day. List goes on…..
    I am 51 and have a hernia and had a small stroke in January. I’ve been talking to everyone I can about it and no one cares. Really is sick how bad society has gotten.
    We have been forced into our last option which is saving a few thousand for a box trailer to convert into a camper to live in. No I’m not exaggerating or joking.

  • Clester

    March 20, 2019 at 3:27 pm in reply to: Showers and the equiptment needed

    My wife used to use a chair. When a Dr tried to kill her she lost most of her mobility. Now we use a Hoyer with a mesh sling. She manages to do most of herself with one of those sruncci things with a long handle.

  • Clester

    March 20, 2019 at 3:04 pm in reply to: Car equipment and adaptations

    Made a mount that goes into the hitch of our van that allows the upper part of a Hoyer lift to fit into. When we go camping I use it to get my wife to the bathroom and into a large air mattress that we back the van into a 10 foot square pop up canopy that I put walls all around. I used to lift her but I managed to get a hernia so I had to get creative. She loves camping .

  • Clester

    January 29, 2019 at 5:11 pm in reply to: Online Dating

    Funniest part for me now is that before I went to take her on that fist date . I practiced lifting a couple of people that were similar in size so I knew i could handle it. Found out real quick and in a hurry that it totally is not the same thing , lifting someone and moving them around like that. Wow!!!
    Huh , just realized I don’t think I ever told her about me practicing on people before. It was embarrassing enough for the first time doing something like that. Don’t think it ever came up.
    Sure enough she said she doesn’t remember me mentioning it before . she is sitting here laughing at me. Lol
    Such an awsome smile she has!!!! Don’t get to see it as much anymore.

  • Clester

    January 29, 2019 at 4:52 pm in reply to: Being Diagnosed with Friedreich’s Ataxia Made Me Doubt God

    You know it was only a couple of years before the hospital tried to kill my wife that I was making good money and gave away over $50 k in one year to help people who were hurting bad because of the economy.
    Now it’s been weeks since we have slept in a bed . I in a reclining chair and her in her wheelchair ( which reclines).
    A lot of people know it and yet no one gives a crap.
    We do have someone at least is letting us have electric for heat . had a few people offer for us to stay in their house but none are wheelchair accessible. And none have a bathroom big enough for her and her wheelchair. So we resort to good ole Wal-Mart for bathroom services. Lol
    On that note . she has been in a wheelchair for over 20 years and not one person has made their house accessible to her . not even her parents or sister. Is that sick or what?

  • Clester

    January 29, 2019 at 4:03 pm in reply to: Being Diagnosed with Friedreich’s Ataxia Made Me Doubt God

    Its not God that chooses to be evil it absolutely is people that have chosen to be evil . and everyone just lets it happen.
    All I hear from anyone is ” oh I’m sorry to hear that , hope things turn around for you and things get better” .
    Guess what folks? It can’t get better unless people decide to change and start actually caring about something other than themselves.

  • Clester

    January 29, 2019 at 3:10 pm in reply to: Misc. Boating/ fishing

    I’m not the most tech savy person . for some reason my phone is not letting me copy and paste anything . as soon as I figure it out ill put some pictures up. Or ill send pictures to my laptop and try it that way. Idk
    Most of the pictures are on her phone anyways ( her phone seems to take much better pictures).as soon as I can figure it out I guess. Lol

  • Clester

    January 29, 2019 at 1:58 pm in reply to: Online Dating

    I met my wife online.
    It was very strange because she shouldn’t have even showed up because she wasn’t in my age range or in my distance range. But she did. She was up front and honest about everything and encouraged me to study up on fa.
    After writing to each other for a while we started talking on the phone ( which was a challenge for me )
    When we first met it was at her house with her two daughters which was nerve racking but I understood why.
    Needless to say for me it was love at first sight. NO JOKE!!
    Took her a few dates because she was just seriously stung by a piece of crap.
    That first date I took her on scared the crap out of me . I had never handled anyone in a wheelchair before . I got her out of her wheelchair but couldn’t get her in the car seat. I felt like crap more than can be described. Luckily a neighbor came to our rescue . then I learned how to do it. I still do it even with a hernia.
    Suprising how few people in hospitals know how to handle people in wheelchairs.
    Been together ever since.

  • Clester

    January 29, 2019 at 1:35 pm in reply to: Relating to Children

    I’ve seen this with my wife . I noticed it takes time and patience .
    When my wife went to see her nephew who is 7 it took her trying to talk to him half the day but by the end of the day he came up to her and just jumped up on her lap and kissed her out of the blue.

  • Clester

    January 29, 2019 at 1:15 pm in reply to: Being Diagnosed with Friedreich’s Ataxia Made Me Doubt God

    Sorry about preaching
    I just get so sick of people misleading others for there own gain and it seems churches do a very good job at it . and its not just churches that do it . you can find that behavior everywhere in life today. My wife ( who has fa)was almost killed ( put her into a comma, shut her kidneys down , killed her large intestine)at a hospital for that very same type of behavior. ( took her to be treated for something simple and they turned it into something else because we were ignorant and believed what they said )

  • Clester

    January 29, 2019 at 11:59 am in reply to: Being Diagnosed with Friedreich’s Ataxia Made Me Doubt God

    Everyone talks about losing faith in God . why lose faith in God? The way I see it my faith in people is gone and the difference is people give good reason to lose faith in , god doesn’t.
    God hasn’t done anything bad to anyone!!!! People on the other hand do nothing but bad things to other people all the time .
    Think about this:
    Love and/or caring about anyone or anything absolutely requires at least two things…
    1 effort
    2 sacrifice ( money doesn’t count, money is a reason not to be resposible)
    Very few people know how to care or love these days.
    These days the only caring or loving that goes on is for themselves .
    No-one wants to do anything for anyone unless they get something in return.
    Not saying there isn’t anyone out there but I’m over 50 and cannot think of a single person ever in my life that wasn’t primarily only about themselves.
    Now there is a reason to loose faith…. But not in God!!! He didn’t make us that way . we did that all by ourselves!!!!! We got lazy and ignorant!
    Ignorance is only a bad thing if you choose to remain that way.
    Laziness is always a bad thing.

  • Clester

    January 29, 2019 at 10:22 am in reply to: Being Diagnosed with Friedreich’s Ataxia Made Me Doubt God

    What is sad is what churches teach about God . my wife turned away from god until I started to show her in the bible what god actually says instead of what is ” taught”
    God didn’t do this to people …..WE DID!!!!!! God doesn’t want his children to suffer no more than you would your own child.
    We chose not to do like god says we should. We choose not to eat the right foods, we choose to do drugs, we choose to let people get away with rape and incest etc. Etc. Etc.
    Evil behavior will result in bad things happening . we choose to turn a blind eye and let the crap happen.
    God didnt!!!!
    Could God cure everyone? Absolutely !! Will he?
    Why would he if we choose to allow all the crap that goes on ?
    That’s like blaming the devil when something bad happens ! Why give him the credit for what you do ?
    There is no difference between blaming God for our ailments and blaming your pencil for failing a test at school !!!!! Or blaming the man two thousand miles away for you running out of peanut butter!!!!
    Its simply ignorance and laziness.
    How long do you think your employer is going to keep paying you if you refuse to work? Why would God want to help you/us if you/we choose not to work/study for him ??

  • Clester

    January 28, 2019 at 10:33 pm in reply to: Frustrations and stress

    The most frustrating thing for me is family . evidently they think because I’m here they think ill take care of everything all the time . in the last few years the only relaxation I get is the 4 to 5 hours of sleep at night. Her dad lives less than two miles away and is lucky to visit 2 times a year. Her mom lives an hour and a half away and visits maybe once a year and her sister hasn’t visited at all in over three years . so them helping evidently is out of the question. Some family huh?

  • Clester

    January 28, 2019 at 9:31 pm in reply to: Romantic relationships

    Like anyrthing else in life you just simply have to WANT it and do what it takes.
    Me personally am tired of people saying I can’t. YES you can .
    I used to teach martial arts and had an older gentleman come in after a severe stroke that left him barely able to walk, talk, loss of short term memory or use his left arm. He wanted it and he did it . you can too!!!!! Don’t count yourself short. You will lose an awsome experience .

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