Malika Ammam, PhD,  —

Malika Ammam received her MS degree from the University of Pierre et Marie CURIE in July 2002 and her PhD from the University of Paris Sud XI, France in September 2005. From 2006 to 2007, she worked as a research fellow at the University of Kansas in collaboration with Pinnacle Technology Inc. (USA). From 2007 to 2010, she was a research associate at KU Leuven, Belgium. From 2010 to 2012, she worked at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology in collaboration with Alcohol Countermeasure Systems Corporation, Canada. She held a prestigious Rosalind Franklin fellowship and resigned in 2015. Now, she is a freelancer.

Articles by Malika Ammam

Friedreich Ataxia Patients Have Atypical Brain Makeup, Study Says

Several Australian institutions collaborated to evaluate the structural integrity of a major component of the central nervous system, cortical grey matter, in patients with Friedreich ataxia (FRDA). The scientists found structural abnormalities in several brain regions, primarily in the cortical motor system, which represents a step forward in understanding the disease.

Ataxia-Related Protein Plays Key Role in Regulating Neuronal Growth

In a recently published paper entitled “BNIP-H Recruits the Cholinergic Machinery to Neurite Terminals to Promote Acetylcholine Signaling and Neuritogenesis“, published in the Developmental Cell journal a team of international researchers identified an ataxia-related protein that regulates the growth of neurons by transporting key metabolic enzymes…