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  • Dating with FA and finding ‘your person”

    Posted by Frankie Perazzola on September 10, 2019 at 1:15 am

    I open up about pretty much everything online except my personal/dating life. I’ve done that purposefully because people are just so darn nosy and I was always unsure of what was going on anyways. I’m not going into too much detail yet but I have finally found my person.

    For years, I was in a situation where I didnt know what was going to happen. We were on and off for about 5  years. That left me totally insecure and doubtful I’d ever be worthy enough. I honestly thought I was going to marry this guy because of the time we invested in each other.

    Boy, was I wrong.

    I thought when you meet the one, fireworks happen and all that other cheesy stuff in the movies. I felt that for my ex but it was never reciprocated. But he made sure to remind me I was “the one for him” every now and then so I stayed. Hoping he’d figure it out and change.


    I didn’t realize how demeaning that was until I was able to take myself out of that situation.

    The man I’m dating now is everything I could ask for and more. Understanding of FA, has loved me since high school (he was my first actual love-saving that story for later), makes me feel beautiful all the time and is truly my best friend. He motivates me daily and pushes me to become better every day and has so much patience with me.

    All I’m saying is, you think you’re on the right path until someone comes along and makes you realize you’ve been lying to yourself  the whole time. Don’t lose hope or give up on love because of FA. You will find someone capable of understanding your hardships and won’t make you feel bad about it.

    How do you feel about love? Are you hopeful or have you given up? Whats your biggest concern about a partner?

    Frankie Perazzola replied 5 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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