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  • Stress Relief Tips for Caregivers

    Posted by Kevin Schaefer on April 24, 2020 at 7:00 am

    Hey everyone! Hope you’re all staying safe and healthy.

    Today, I wanted to give a shoutout to all of the caregivers in this community. Especially in a time like this, I want to express my gratitude to everyone who continually gives and sacrifices to care for a loved one with FA.

    I recently came across an article on the importance of stress relief for caregivers, and how they can care for themselves from “head-to-toe”. The article shares tips on how to utilize stress relief strategies, particularly in areas of the body where there’s tension. Check out the article HERE.

    Do any of these stress relief techniques benefit you as a caregivers? Do you have any to add to the list that you find particularly helpful?

    Clester replied 4 years, 10 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Clester

    April 28, 2020 at 12:51 pm

    I could write a book on this subject…. If I had time. Stress relief is only a dream for me.
    Being forced to live on less than minimum wage, for two,and caring for someone who is severely disabled,Someone who can’t do anything for herself.
    Being 100% abandoned by All family and friends.
    Eating healthy…. Not a chance.
    Excercise…. Not a chance
    Good sleep…. Not a chance
    Massages…. Yeah right
    Etc. Etc.
    The Only thing I can look forward to is getting up in the morning and waking up with my Coffee and a smoke. EVERY day.
    At best a total of 10 minutes a month for a chance of joy. And that wouldn’t even be a chance if we didn’t choose to live in a tiny travel trailer and go places rather than living in prison in an apartment paying rent and not being able to go anywhere or do anything.
    ALL dreams, retirement, possibility of happiness, hobbies, chance of basic survival etc. ….. Gone.
    Can’t even possibly eat right. No money, no time.
    Worst of it is no one cares. Sure they say they do but caring requires at least two things
    Love requires a lot more of both
    Which is something nearly
    no one is capable of doing in society any more. Saying you do and doing it are two very different things. Everyone says they do and very nearly NO ONE does it.
    I’m 52 and due to the amount of stress I live with all day every day I know I won’t see 60. I’ve already seen massive decline in my health. I can’t do half what I could physically, just 2 years ago.
    It’s sickening our society has fallen so far.

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