• Long Days Ahead

    Posted by Christina Cordaro on September 27, 2019 at 9:27 am

    This weekend I am in one of my best friends wedding. I know I am going to have long days ahead of me and energy is a concern.

    I recently brought up my fatigue to my neurologist and he suggested taking amantadine. It has been helping me conserve energy and keep going to make it easier to get through the day.

    What are some of your tips to manage your fatigue?


    Christina Cordaro replied 5 years ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    September 28, 2019 at 6:38 pm

    What helps me with fatigue is not stressing and having a healthy mind. Having a schedule helps also and I know things change suddenly so I do my best.

  • Christina Cordaro

    September 28, 2019 at 11:52 pm

    @jesusr I agree! Having a daily scheduled routine keeps my health in line.

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