• ADA Bathrooms

    Posted by Christina Cordaro on October 4, 2019 at 10:00 am

    Recently if I am out in public, I use the ADA bathroom stall in the women’s restrooms since I have my rollator and it helps me feel more safe and secure with the handle bars and extra room. It gets hard to use the restroom though when people occupy the ADA stall when they shouldn’t be. Does anyone else run into this issue and how do you handle it?

    Christina Cordaro replied 4 years, 6 months ago 3 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Clester

    October 8, 2019 at 11:23 am

    My wife and I have been traveling all up and down the east coast from Michigan to Florida. She can’t get herself on or off of the bathroom. We have to use family bathrooms and finding those just anywhere are hard. We’ve come to learn to just having to find the nearest Walmart.
    Along that topic how about parking spots. Extremely frustrating when people park in the van spots. Almost all regular handicap parking spaces aren’t big enough to get my wife out of the van.
    Went to a concert in Detroit and had to pay $80 for a spot that was wheelchair accessible for our van. Normal spots were only going for $20. Is that sick or what? Went to Clearwater Beach in Florida. There is no parking within a mile of the beach that is big enough for our van. There are only 2 parking spots on the beach for handicap parking, neither are big enough and they charge $7 per hour. Most Parking garages, are out of the question, van is too tall.

  • Christina Cordaro

    October 8, 2019 at 1:36 pm

    @toolman I am so sorry to hear what challenges you and your wife are faced with. I can’t believe that you got charge more for handicap parking! Were you able to report that to the concert venue or was the parking a third party service?

  • Clester

    October 8, 2019 at 3:15 pm

    We had experience with concert venues before, how hard it is many times to get wheelchair accessible seating and it took a class action suit to at least somewhat fix it. So I didn’t even try.
    With the seating it is with buying tickets it’s first come first serve and for wheelchair accessible seating they made you fill out forms and wait sometimes a month to hear back from them and by then it’s sold out or the concert is over. Seemed as if, and it wouldn’t surprise me, that they didn’t want wheelchairs, probably because they take up more space and that’s money out of their pockets so they made it nearly impossible to get them.
    Like flying if you are in a power wheelchair there is, on most airplanes, only one or two that they can take on any given flight(for weight and space reasons, which makes sense, but not in an arena).
    And as for the challenges we face, I could and wish I was a writer, write a large book on that subject. Put it this way…… We have been forced to live in a tiny 15 foot long camper trailer… Smaller than most people’s bathrooms!! That is just the tip of the iceburg and it’s why we have been traveling, camping in national forests(because it’s free), Walmart parking lots etc. Even family….. Those who care and would help can’t and those who can help won’t!!
    Since I had my stroke and hernia just makes things extremely massively difficult to say the least. Spend all my time taking care of my wife and don’t even have time for me to go to Dr’s to try to get disability for myself, which the money would be a great help, but how? No time, no help, no money!! Really is sick in this country that we are having to live like this!!! Although the traveling does give us at least some resemblance of “life”,instead of literally spending all day every day sitting in an apartment doing nothing all day every day because we couldn’t afford to do anything, which is why the trailer….. “life”. Things most people take for granted and constantly complain about!!! They have no idea!!!

  • Christina Cordaro

    October 9, 2019 at 7:31 pm

    @toolman it seriously is the little things that mean the most and people seriously take things for granted!

  • Fi

    October 12, 2019 at 1:39 am

    All the time. And my reaction isn’t always the same. There’s the dirty look, verbal confrontation, confusion (I’m in Australia and we mostly have separate unisex accessible bathrooms with opaque doors so you can definitely see the shadow of someone jumping around to test the room in their new clothes), but quite often I’m just busting to pee. So if my wheelchair clips them on my way in, so be it.

  • Christina Cordaro

    October 12, 2019 at 6:17 am

    @fiona-lamond I’m sorry you also have to deal with this issue. But I can appreciate you taking control of what’s right! You shouldn’t even have to be put in that situation.

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