Friedreich’s Ataxia News Forums Forums Living With FA Facing FA is Like Seeing Under Water

  • Clester

    August 13, 2019 at 10:29 am

    Odd to me that you mention that.
    I have always tried my best to see through my wife’s eyes and put myself in her position.
    It wasn’t till I had my stroke about 9 months ago that I truly saw a glimpse of what she has been living. The left side of my body just doesn’t want to cooperate including being able to talk right. Though it has gotten better for me, a little, it opened my eyes to say the least.
    Not at the degree FAers and others but I understand what you are talking about and I agree.
    It also made me think of what my dad went through before he passed away with his Alzheimer’s,every time he “woke up” and realized what was happening it hit him hard emotionally.
    Now I at least can say i somewhat understand.
    Like trying to look at life through a pinhole in a piece of paper. Soooo much you want to see/do and can’t.
    That is why I try so hard to give my wife “life” and as best I can. Just wished her family could see that or at least try to.
    Since I made us our new home(a very small but wheelchair accessible camper) it has allowed her/us to see new things and places. That is mostly all she has now. Her family was content with her just sitting in her bedroom in her wheelchair literally all day every day. They just do not, even a little bit, understandand. To a degree I truly think they don’t care, if they did they would at least try to understand/see.

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