Friedreich’s Ataxia News Forums Forums COVID-19 and FA Thoughts Regarding States Reopening

  • Thoughts Regarding States Reopening

    Posted by Kevin Schaefer on May 25, 2020 at 7:25 am

    Hey everyone! Hope you all had a safe and relaxing weekend. For those here in the U.S., I wish you all a good Memorial Day.

    So, as states and other places around the world begin to reopen, I wanted to get your thoughts. I don’t want to start anything political here. Rather, I’m just curious if anyone here feels comfortable going out some, or if you’re going to remain on lockdown.

    For me personally, I’m ok seeing immediate family, and I’ll resume physical therapy in June. However, I’m not even thinking about going to restaurants or other public places anytime soon. My parents and I have acclimated ok to quarantine life.

    What are your thoughts on this issue? Are you loosening your restrictions, or remaining on total lockdown?

    Karina Jeronimides replied 4 years, 8 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Henry

    May 27, 2020 at 3:58 am

    I think we’re all just gonna have to live with it tbh it’s not just going to go away! We still live with other viruses/diseases and especially flu which takes thousands of lives every year! No ones scared of either of these things! I think one thing that I’ve got out of this whole epidemic is to be more vigilant on where I go and who I mix with, all we can do now is be safer about things we do and Hope a vaccine comes soon!

  • Kevin Schaefer

    May 27, 2020 at 9:05 am

    Thanks for sharing Henry! Yes, caution going forward is definitely a good strategy. And yes, hopefully we will get a vaccine sooner than later!

  • Karina Jeronimides

    May 28, 2020 at 7:02 pm

    I personally am quite relieved as I can finally order food online again!
    I have FA, don’t drive, live alone and work. Getting food was downright impossible from April to mid-May. I also was in pain for 2 months because I was afraid to go out and get my procedure done. However, I would never go to a restaurant or a public place. I’m not so worried about me, but about the wonderful people that come to my home, and without whom I could not live without – aides and PT. I am rather certain there will be a resurgence, and am so fortunate that I am only scheduled to work in a classroom at the end of August. To me this is closer to the World Wars that ravaged Europe than to a cold. And the fact that our president keeps on spreading lies about the virus makes me want to stay in lock down.

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